"I may have lost this Battle, but the war is far from OVER"

"I may have lost this Battle, but the war is far from OVER"

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Pencil and Eraser . . .

Let me just share this short story that I have received from a friend just a while ago . . .

Pencil: I'm sorry!

Eraser: Sorry for what? You didn't do anything wrong.

Pencil: I'm sorry because you get hurt because of me, whenever I made mistakes you're always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller each time.

Eraser: That's true. But I don't really mind. You see, I was made to do this. We were made to work together, I am happy to work with you and stay beside you,even if I know that I am losing a part of myself on the process. and even though one day I know I'll be gone and you'll replace me with a new one.

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